HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing

(pearson-html-css-js) / ISBN : 978-1-61691-116-4
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About This Course

Learn web design concepts and techniques with the HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing course. The HTML & CSS course is designed for web developers and professionals who want to learn HTML, CSS, and other languages to improve their websites. This HTML, CSS, & JavaScript online course focuses on topics such as building tables, designing forms, integrating multimedia, using responsive Web design, and more.

Skills You’ll Get


26+ Lessons | 250+ Quizzes | 191+ Flashcards | 191+ Glossary of terms


100+ Pre Assessment Questions | 100+ Post Assessment Questions |

Video Lessons

18+ Videos | 01:07+ Hours




What Is Web Publishing?

  • Thinking Like a Web Publisher
  • Web Browsers
  • Web Servers
  • Uniform Resource Locators
  • Defining Web Publishing Broadly
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Getting Your Tools in Order

  • Anatomy of a Website
  • Setting Up Your Computer for Web Publishing
  • Using the Google Chrome Developer Tools
  • What Do You Want to Do on the Web?
  • Wireframing Your Website
  • Web Hosting
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Introducing HTML and CSS

  • What HTML Is (And What It Isn't)
  • What HTML Files Look Like
  • HTML Attributes
  • Using the style Attribute
  • A Short History of HTML Standards
  • The Current and Evolving Standard: HTML5
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Learning the Basics of HTML

  • Structuring Your HTML
  • The Title
  • Headings
  • Paragraphs
  • Comments
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Organizing Information with Lists

  • Lists: An Overview
  • Numbered Lists
  • Unordered Lists
  • Definition Lists
  • Nesting Lists
  • Other Uses for Lists
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Working with Links

  • Creating Links
  • Linking Local Pages Using Relative and Absolute Pathnames
  • Links to Other Documents on the Web
  • Linking to Specific Places Within Documents
  • Anatomy of a URL
  • Kinds of URLs
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Formatting Text with HTML and CSS

  • Character-Level Elements
  • Character Formatting Using CSS
  • Preformatted Text
  • Horizontal Rules (or Thematic Breaks)
  • Line Break
  • Addresses
  • Quotations
  • Special Characters
  • Fonts and Font Sizes
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Using CSS to Style a Site

  • Including Style Sheets in a Page
  • Selectors
  • Units of Measure
  • Editing Styles with Developer Tools
  • Using Color
  • Links
  • The Box Model
  • More Selectors
  • The <body> Tag
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Using Images on Your Web Pages

  • Images on the Web
  • Image Formats
  • Inline Images in HTML: The <img> Tag
  • Images and Text
  • Images and Links
  • Other Neat Tricks with Images
  • Image Backgrounds
  • Using Images as Bullets
  • What Is an Imagemap?
  • Image Etiquette
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Building Tables

  • Creating Tables
  • Table Parts
  • Sizing Tables, Borders, and Cells
  • Table and Cell Color
  • Aligning Your Table Content
  • Spanning Multiple Rows or Columns
  • More Advanced Table Enhancements
  • How Tables Are Used
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Using CSS to Position Elements on the Page

  • Positioning Schemes
  • Absolute Positioning
  • Fixed Positioning
  • Controlling Stacking
  • Creating Drop-Down Menus
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Designing Forms

  • Understanding Form and Function
  • Using the <form> Tag
  • Using the <label> Tag
  • Creating Form Controls with the <input> Tag
  • Using Other Form Controls
  • Grouping Controls with fieldset and legend
  • Displaying Updates with progress and meter
  • Applying Cascading Style Sheet Properties to Form Elements
  • Planning Your Forms
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Structuring a Page with HTML5

  • A Short History of HTML Page Layout
  • Laying Out a Page in HTML5
  • HTML5 Structural Tags
  • The Page Outline
  • Using HTML5 Structural Elements
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Integrating Multimedia: Video and Sound

  • Embedding Video the Simple Way
  • Hosting Your Own Video
  • Embedding Video Using <video>
  • Embedding Flash Using the <object> Tag
  • The <embed> Tag
  • Embedding Flash Movies Using SWFObject
  • Flash Video Players
  • Embedding Audio in Your Pages
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Advanced CSS: Page Layout in CSS

  • Laying Out the Page
  • The Role of CSS in Web Design
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Using Responsive Web Design

  • What Is Responsive Web Design?
  • Mobile Devices Should Come First
  • Planning a Responsive Website
  • Writing Media Queries
  • Understanding the Mechanics of RWD
  • Responsive Web Design Best Practices
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Introducing JavaScript

  • Why Would You Want to Use JavaScript?
  • The <script> Tag
  • JavaScript and the Chrome Development Tools
  • The JavaScript Language
  • The JavaScript Environment
  • Events
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Using jQuery

  • What Are JavaScript Libraries?
  • Getting Started with jQuery
  • Your First jQuery Script
  • Selecting Elements from the Document
  • Binding Events
  • Modifying Styles on the Page
  • Modifying Content on the Page
  • Special Effects
  • AJAX and jQuery
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Using JavaScript in Your Pages

  • Validating Forms with JavaScript
  • Hiding and Showing Content
  • Adding New Content to a Page
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Working with Frames and Linked Windows

  • What Are Frames?
  • Working with Linked Windows
  • Inline Frames
  • Opening Linked Windows with JavaScript
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Designing for the Mobile Web

  • People Browse Differently on Mobile Phones
  • Standards Compliance and the Mobile Web
  • Writing for the Mobile Web
  • Design and Page Layout
  • Using Links
  • Using Images and Multimedia
  • Making the Most of CSS and JavaScript
  • Take Advantage of Mobile Features
  • Other Good Habits and Hints for Mobile Web Design
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Designing for User Experience

  • Considering User Experience Level
  • Determining User Preferences
  • What Is Accessibility?
  • Alternative Browsers
  • Writing Accessible HTML
  • Designing for Accessibility
  • Validating Your Sites for Accessibility
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

How to Publish Your Site

  • What Does a Web Server Do?
  • How to Find Web Hosting
  • Organizing Your HTML Files for Publishing
  • Publishing Your Files
  • Troubleshooting
  • Promoting Your Web Pages
  • Finding Out Who's Viewing Your Web Pages
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Taking Advantage of the Server

  • How PHP Works
  • Getting PHP to Run on Your Computer
  • The PHP Language
  • Loops
  • Built-In Functions
  • User-Defined Functions
  • Processing Forms
  • Using PHP Includes
  • Expanding Your Knowledge of PHP
  • Other Application Platforms
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Search Engines and SEO

  • What Is SEO?
  • How Search Engines Work
  • SEO Techniques
  • Tools for Tracking and Managing SEO
  • Paying for Links
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Why Do Learners Love This Course?

The HTML, CSS & JS course will prepare you to publish your website using new tools and guided technical details. It will help you create an interactive web page from scratch until hosting with search engine optimization and mobile responsiveness. This is a good book for computer enthusiasts who wants to have a career change to web development. I had so much fun learning with uCertify.

Dennis Leprozo
Dennis Leprozo
Hosting World Series of Poker

HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing


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