DevOps Fundamentals
(DevOps-FUNDA.AA1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-450-6
About This Course
Skills You’ll Get
Get the support you need. Enroll in our Instructor-Led Course.
Interactive Lessons
6+ Interactive Lessons | 13+ Exercises | 61+ Quizzes | 71+ Flashcards | 71+ Glossary of terms
Hands-On Labs
20+ LiveLab | 20+ Video tutorials | 01+ Minutes
Video Lessons
35+ Videos | 05+ Minutes
Course Overview
- Course Breakdown
- Pre Requisites
The Basics
- What is DevOps?
- DevOps Building Blocks
- DevOps Best Practices
- Why Containers?
- What is a Pipeline?
- Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
- Continuous Deployment
- Pipelines - An Illustration
- Summary
- CI/CD Strategy
- Source Code Management
- Build Management - An Illustration
- Summary
Release and Deployment
- Release Management
- Release Management - An Illustration
- Reliability Engineering
- DevOps Tools and Workflows
- Infrastructure as Code
- Automation
- IaC CloudFormation - An Illustration
- Jenkins - An Illustration
- GitHub - An Illustration
- Summary
Key Performance Indicators
- KPI Metrics
- KPI Tools
- Monitoring and Management
- AWS CloudWatch - An Illustration
- Summary
Course Closeout
- Summary Review
- Additional Resources
- DevOps Job Outlook - An Illustration
- Course Closeout
The Basics
- Using Azure DevOps
- Creating a Cluster using AWS Fargate
- Sandbox: Node-Red
- Using AWS EKS
- Creating a VPN Connection in GCP
- Creating a VPC Endpoint
- Creating a CloudWatch Dashboard
- Working with JShell
- Using AWS CodeCommit
Release and Deployment
- Installing Jenkins
- Creating an AWS CloudFormation Stack
- Writing, Reading, and Parsing YAML Files
- Installing Terraform
- Installing and Configuring Ansible
- Creating an Application Using AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Key Performance Indicators
- Creating an Instance in GCP
- Backing Up and Restoring Amazon DynamoDB Tables
- Creating a Lambda Function
- Creating a Kinesis Data Stream
- Configuring Access to AWS KMS Keys